Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Lady of Lourdes

The 'I can we can' cluster visited 'Our Lady of Lourdes' Catholic School on 19 June. Seeing their journey of Inquiry, which includes the integration of ICT enabled the lead teachers of Koputaroa School to evaluate the process of simplifying the stages of Inquiry.

OLOL uses a whole school approach to an Inquiry before classes' branch off and investigate an aspect of the Inquiry further. The whole school is engaged through a "hook in" activity to motivate, excite, and begin conversations on the theme. This approach has been successful for them and could be one worth considering for Koputaroa School.

The topic, scope for each class and research questions were generated by the children but it was interesting to note that the wall displays did not always reflect the questions being asked by the students. To ensure student buy-in remains strong each stage should reflect the work of the children.

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